Santa’s Magic Key

This little lot of vintage keys have been sitting on the Bumbleblue desk, waiting patiently to be turned into something festive.

With no craft fairs over the weekend, I cracked on with them. After all it’s only 41 days until Christmas! Armed with a good supply of tea I painted, sanded, and threaded my socks off. The keys looked perfect as they were, but they didn’t look very festive so they were given a coat of white metal paint.

As with all of my projects, the sandpaper came out and most of the metal paint came off. It was worth the mess and time, however I don’t think my nails are ever going to be their natural colour again! (it’s a good job it’s the season for gloves)

I had to post this up as well – it’s the poem that influenced the whole thing! I found it in a book, and being the Christmas fairy that I am, I had to do something with it.

Dear Santa,

We don’t have a chimney and

I was worried as could be,

about how you’d bring the presents

to my family and me.

But now I’ve solved the problem

and I’m not sad anymore,

for hanging from this ribbon,

is the key to our front door.

Although our house has a chimney, I think just to be on the safe side I should keep one of these decorations for me …

More Tea Vicar?

I found a fantastic book last week. It’s filled to the brim with home made gift ideas with inspiration from vintage items and forgotten treasures.

I love things with a story behind them. The Bumbleblue desk was originally my Grans dining table, and the chair I sit on is one that my Dad would have swung his legs from at meal times. My Mum and Dads house has plenty of antiques from the family  too – one being a chunky stone bench that used to sit outside my Grans house on a hill in Winster (A very pretty village in Derbyshire) I can imagine anyone walking up the hill would have appreciated a sit on it! Dad nearly broke his back moving it and I think sheer determination means it’s now sat on their patio.

Reading through my new book, I found a method for turning teacups into candles. As luck would have it, I was sat next to a lovely lady at my craft fair at the weekend who had a table full of vintage items – including this gorgeous teacup and saucer!

She tutted at me for spending my money when I was there to earn, but said she was happy it was going to a nice home.

So, with a little help from my new book, my little teacup has had a change of use…

Oh so proud!

Boo-tiful Fair

It’s been years since I carved a pumpkin for Halloween, but in the spirit of the season I took one along for my table at Bakewell Craft and Gift Fair.

He ended up being quite a jolly looking pumpkin – could have been the bottle of red we shared as I carved him. Buddy came to investigate when I’d finished and wasn’t at all impressed with the new visitor. He kept rolling him over so he couldn’t see his face (either this, or another after effect of the wine). Obviously not a Halloween fan, which is slightly ironic for a black cat.

He looked quite happy sat on the chair at the end of my table. Usually I only do one day at the fair, but I decided to try a whole weekend. Fellow stall holders around me were lovely, and there was even a hedgehog called Thomas on the other side to me. Very cute, although I lost a bit of my glee when asked if I would like to feed him some dried grubs….mmmm.

I had such a great day on Saturday and had so many compliments on my table. I can’t say for sure that my head hasn’t swollen a bit. One lady ummed and arrred over which decoration to buy, only to tell me she would buy one now, and some more on the way out. She made a quick trip round the room and purchased the rest of the decs before she left!

My new bird decorations I only finished on the morning of the fair were the best sellers of the weekend – and I think I need to get some more quick!

Sunday was a bit of a quieter day, but that gave me chance to have a nosey round the other stalls. As is always the case, I find alot of tables at craft fairs aren’t filled with things people have sewn, baked or painted themselves, but with things they have bought to sell on. It’s such a shame when there are so many talented people out there – but I won’t get started on that (I’ll never shut up!)

I did find something I wanted to bring home. Dollypeg Delights from Belper makes gorgeous rustic and country home gifts. All the products are lovingly hand sewn using beautiful fabric and many are filled with fabulous scents like lavender and festive spices. This little chap was just too cute to resist and came with a yummy recipe for gingerbread! Ooh, another baking session perhaps?