Something Borrowed, Something Bumbleblue

It’s a day where nerves, hopes and high expectations float around everyone’s minds.

The two people at center stage will spend months, maybe years before merticulously planning every detail to make sure nothing is less than perfect. All this excitement and anticipation just for one day? It must be a wedding!

Everyone wants their wedding to be the most special and unforgettable day and more and more are looking to add personal, creative touches to make theirs unique.

I’ve got to admit, I never really got the whole wedding hype. Yes I want to get married but I haven’t been visualising my wedding dress since I was a little girl. It was only when my sister got married and I helped with her stationary, I started to see what all the fuss was about.

Some of my creations are perfect for someone wanting to add a bit of a handmade touch.

The idea of one of my creations helping to make the perfect setting for a bride on her wedding day is a great thought. Knowing how important the ‘little things’ are, I will hand craft every product to ensure every bit of my care and concentration makes the perfect favour or sign.

And lets not forget after the ceremony…

Picture Perfect

Ever since we moved into our own house, I’ve always wanted to create a wall of photos.  A whole wall filled with pictures of family and friends past and present just like a huge open photo album. I’ve got albums filled with our adventures and it’s always nice to dig them out and flick through them. Having all our favourite memories on the wall means we don’t have to find them to look at them.


I love the mis-match look with all the frames being different. Some are shop bought and some are my own creations (with a little help from my good friends Farrow and Ball)

Feeling the home interior bug, I finally got round to hanging my newest purchase. These gorgeous antique shoe lasts were an absolute find! I had always wanted a pair but often found they were a bit too expensive. A bit of searching and a LOT of patience, and I finally have my own set. Little bits like this really add character to a room and the history behind them and where they came from makes them even more special.