It’s been a while…

It’s been a very long while since my last blog post!

My excuse? We’ve just bought our very first house – what a journey of emotions! You try to take it all in your stride and not let anything bother you. You can but try not to get too excited or anxious about every bit of paperwork or survey. Tell yourself this isn’t your dream house, it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get it and there’s probably another better one out there for you anyway.

But who are you trying to kid? Of course you’ll be gutted if your offer gets rejected and probably cry for weeks over it too!

Luckily tissues weren’t required as somehow an early offer of ours was accepted and we’re happily swinging our feet from the first rung of the property ladder.

Our initial plan was to not do anything straight away. To live in the house and do little bits at a time….but there was alot ( I mean alot) of gold flock wallpaper which is very hard to ignore.

As we all know, one thing leads to another and when I realised there were original terracotta tiles hidden under layers and layers of thick paint that was it. I was off with a scraper and a huge pot of paint stripper!




A bit of scraping and peeling is very rewarding! We’ve even treated ourselves to a big pot of Farrow and Ball paint to go on the walls and not a Bumbleblue creation.

A little highlight for me is also having my very own space in the loft to really spread Bumbleblue out a bit.




We’re a long way from finished but we’re in and settled and loving this journey or turning an empty building into our own cosy home.