Bake Your Cake and Eat It

Sat at the Bumbleblue desk, I was hard at work painting some fabric Christmas puddings. In my cupboard that houses a bit of everything, I found some jute fabric and thought it would make a fabulous base for a Christmas pud.

I started to think about puddings in general and in particular, cake. By the time I got round to sticking the little red button berries on, I couldn’t stop thinking about cake so a little impromptu baking session was necessary!

I’ve still not mastered the art of baking the perfect cake but I’m keeping it simple and thinking that with a bit of practice, one day I will be whisking up sponges and fruit cakes a-plenty!

A little peek through the old cook books and I found what looked like a straight forward, no frills recipe to follow for a madeira cake. Feeling very adventurous and brave, I decided to add a few (a whole pot of) yummy cherries.


The fact that it came out of the oven looking like a cake was amazing – but even more incredible was it looked like a cake on the inside too! Granted all the cherries I put in had sunk to the bottom, but I had made a cake that looked, smelt and tasted like a cake so this wasn’t going to get me down.

Happy cake-baking days!